West Hill Chiropractic
About West Hill Chiropractic in Prince Albert

Welcome! West Hill Chiropractic is a Chiropractic Wellness Center located in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada. West Hills Chiropractic would like to welcome the community of Prince Albert to discover the many benefits of chiropractic treatment.
Please book your Prince Albert chiropractic appointment with us today.
What we do

West Hill Chiropractic provides rehabilitation treatments for sports injuries, motor vehicle accident injuries, work related injuries and injuries related day to day living. We cater to clients of all ages including children, adults and seniors. Treatment is provided in a safe, non invasive, and relaxing environment.
We offer the highest quality of chiropractic care to all our clients. We are friendly, knowledgeable and care about all aspects of your treatment. Each treatment is customize to meet your specific needs by incorporating a variety of assessment and treatment techniques that are best suited to you as an individual. As part of our service, we will provide you with knowledge of self-administered pain management techniques such as stretching and strengthening exercises.

Conditions we can help you with include:
- Back, neck, shoulder pain
- Pain discomfort
- Stiffness in joints
- Headaches & migraines
- Leg pain and Sciatica
- Arthritic pain
- Postural problems
- Sports injuries